He's fired up because real innocent people are getting rail-roaded like Daniel Penny, and real guilty people are being set loose.
Frankly, this has kind of fully dissuaded me from reforming people in Prison. If you were genuinely guilty of murdering someone, and you went to prison for 40 years, and you got out in your 50's, you would think the normal response would be to get the fuck away from anything that could even remotely tie you to the criminal justice system again. You'd move out into the wildnerness so you'd never have to see a police officer ever again. EVEN IF you were guilty, you'd want to spend the last decades of your life out of prison.
Nope, this faggot just goes out and does it again.
We need to maginify the use of capital punishment. This is ridiculous. We don't need to wait until someone feels bad to set these killers back on the street because of White Guilt, or whatever latest luxury belief comes up.
These creatures can't even conceptualize what not eating breakfast feels like. What makes you think they're remotely capable of abstractions like the future or empathy?
Thanks, I thought this OP headline murderer was the Rogan guest as well.
Actual Justice Warrior covered the Rogan Innocence Project serial murderer a few weeks back.
Sean seemed more fired up about it than usual.
He's fired up because real innocent people are getting rail-roaded like Daniel Penny, and real guilty people are being set loose.
Frankly, this has kind of fully dissuaded me from reforming people in Prison. If you were genuinely guilty of murdering someone, and you went to prison for 40 years, and you got out in your 50's, you would think the normal response would be to get the fuck away from anything that could even remotely tie you to the criminal justice system again. You'd move out into the wildnerness so you'd never have to see a police officer ever again. EVEN IF you were guilty, you'd want to spend the last decades of your life out of prison.
Nope, this faggot just goes out and does it again.
We need to maginify the use of capital punishment. This is ridiculous. We don't need to wait until someone feels bad to set these killers back on the street because of White Guilt, or whatever latest luxury belief comes up.
Don't disagree with your points or AJW's video, which was all new to me.
I simply thought Sean was angrier than usual. He's usually sardonic & deadpan.
These creatures can't even conceptualize what not eating breakfast feels like. What makes you think they're remotely capable of abstractions like the future or empathy?