67 Anti-White Black National Socialists Cope & Seethe About Walmart Ending DIE Initiatives. (rumble.com) posted 121 days ago by Gizortnik 121 days ago by Gizortnik +70 / -3 45 comments share 45 comments share save hide report block hide replies
This comment can't be answered without breaking rule 16. "Free speech" only means approved speech around here.
Go fuck yourself, Dom.
Doms a groid himself, of course hes gonna run interference
Haha you're allowed to shit on any other race here except the small hats
Comment Reported for: Rule 12 - Disinformation
Comment Approved: Just because it's wrong doesn't make it disinformation. This is a pretty standard assumption for people who hate jews, even if it's not true.
Congrats, you now sound like Imp1.
Not enough blaming of bots and other boards for that, yet.
God he is such a faggot and a bore.