She lives in a town of like 200 people. She absolutely knows who called the police on her and probably even knows the reason why, and the Law is doubling down to avoid looking like they were used like chumps for a petty feud.
The cops probably know who she is, and who called them, and they've been looking for an excuse to do this to her because [insert retarded, petty, bullshit where someone slept with someone else]
Based on nothing but the one picture I've seen of her with her son, and the picture of her from the bodycam footage I can say she is insufferable in the worst way and everyone hates her and her son is a little shithead that nobody wants to see around their house.
So that's probably true too, based on nothing but snap judgement about 40 year old moms in hoodies who have that face.
Its a town of 200. She almost certainly knows these cops by name and has long history with them completely naturally. Tiny towns like that you don't have reason to panic when you see the cops most of the time.
She lives in a town of like 200 people. She absolutely knows who called the police on her and probably even knows the reason why, and the Law is doubling down to avoid looking like they were used like chumps for a petty feud.
That's my guess and I'm sticking to it.
The cops probably know who she is, and who called them, and they've been looking for an excuse to do this to her because [insert retarded, petty, bullshit where someone slept with someone else]
Based on nothing but the one picture I've seen of her with her son, and the picture of her from the bodycam footage I can say she is insufferable in the worst way and everyone hates her and her son is a little shithead that nobody wants to see around their house.
So that's probably true too, based on nothing but snap judgement about 40 year old moms in hoodies who have that face.
She kept her cool way better than I would have, so I have to give her some respect. She made the cops look like complete idiots because of it too.
Its a town of 200. She almost certainly knows these cops by name and has long history with them completely naturally. Tiny towns like that you don't have reason to panic when you see the cops most of the time.