All I care about is the fact that Interstellar is coming back to theaters in December. I've never seen it on the big screen and I'm pretty excited for it.
Holy shit, that's one of the few movies I wish I had seen at the cinema just for the big screen experience. I may have to see if the same thing is happening anywhere here in Britbong.
There was a second Gladiator? The film where the titular character died at the end of the original?
Cash grab, ahoy!
Will be. They're making a sequel now. If you had any lingering doubts about how out of ideas Hollywood is.
It comes out November 22 in America.
All I care about is the fact that Interstellar is coming back to theaters in December. I've never seen it on the big screen and I'm pretty excited for it.
Holy shit, that's one of the few movies I wish I had seen at the cinema just for the big screen experience. I
mayhave to see if the same thing is happening anywhere here in Britbong.