It's extremely unpopular all around but still totally true that there's a difference and you deserve different benefits for what you did.
If you're a combat veteran who sacrificed life and limb for your service, you deserve this 30+ years of gibs. You ruined yourself for them, the least they can do is pay you.
People who joined up to be pogs and women especially don't deserve the same bennys. I'm sorry but being a desk jockey, never deploying, or working safely in a green zone isn't the same as being a guy in the shit, even if the service is appreciated and necessary to keep it all running.
A well deserved benefit for someone who put their life on the line for our country.
He served 5 years in the 50s in the air force. Not sure if he saw any action in Korea.
It's still commendable but it's not like he was a lifer.
Then he went and worked for the MIC for decades.
You can serve for a much shorter term of service and still end up a lifer.
It's extremely unpopular all around but still totally true that there's a difference and you deserve different benefits for what you did.
If you're a combat veteran who sacrificed life and limb for your service, you deserve this 30+ years of gibs. You ruined yourself for them, the least they can do is pay you.
People who joined up to be pogs and women especially don't deserve the same bennys. I'm sorry but being a desk jockey, never deploying, or working safely in a green zone isn't the same as being a guy in the shit, even if the service is appreciated and necessary to keep it all running.