Kia mods accused of removing any posts critical of ghost of yotei
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These two things are unrelated.
"only 1200Km" Go walk that distance and get some perspective.
We can safely say it's all unrelated to the topic of this thread, however.
Except that was all false atrocity propaganda. There was never a undoing of that propaganda, and in fact it has only been amplified because it benefits China.
If people want to see a gut-wrenching look at what happened in Nanking, sort of the equivalent of the Chinese version of Schindler's List, definitely check out the film The City of Life and Death from 2009.
It's long, absolutely horrific, and extremely brutal. Lots of rape and murder of women, kids and babies. Definitely one of those movies that will stick with you, much like the film Come and See (they're both very similar in tone, but The City of Life and Death is a lot more violent from start to finish).
Sorry but I don't enjoy atrocity propaganda.
As a White male who is mostly NOT attracted to Asian women (there aren't many where I live, Indianapolis is mostly Black people, Africans, Latinos, and Whites are apparently 50-ish percent but where I live it's well under that), your username is funny. WMAF couples are a cringy cliché.
Not even sure what this post has to do with Ghost of Yotei possbily being a terrible sequel to Ghost of Tsushima (which I haven't played because I don't own a PS4 nor PS5)
The guy you’re talking to is a spamming troll who makes sock puppet accounts to talk about how much he wants a 12 year-old wife. Not really worth engaging with on any level.