It'll also do better by riding the Dragon Age name and from people who are done with Baldur's Gate 3 and want more of (what they think will be) the same.
BG3 had it's woke injections but I'd argue did it the old school subversive way. They snuck in shit but it wasn't the overriding story. The beatiality scene, for example, can be avoided.
However, you can still make gorgeous normal looking fantasy characters, which always allows even woke stuff to slip through and be relatively successful.
When they throw wokeness all over the place and put ugly characters on the cover art is when it DOAs
You had a lot of wokenes, the women were not good looking, there was just one decent looking with no boobs and every party member was a degenerate except for the good looking one. Diversity to make London jealous and in most situations the leader of various groups was a woman.
It also beat you over the head with the poor-immigrants and every guy in the part had the hots for me. I also hated how the game pushed that black dude companion on me.
BG3 was very much woke but it didn't make straight white men to be evil or that a woman is great for being a woman and it even had straight relations.
It'll do better than Concord on the basis of "they could not possibly have spent 400 million dollars and 8 years on it", but it will definitely flop.
It'll also do better by riding the Dragon Age name and from people who are done with Baldur's Gate 3 and want more of (what they think will be) the same.
Suggest that these people try the original Baldur's Gate games or Dragon Age: Origins instead, and they'll say "Ew, no way, those games are too old!"
This game is BG3 in a way, no-boobs, degeneracy to the extreme, diversity that makes no sense and a story that is on par with Disney Star-Wars.
BG3 success, I just can't explain. Even I played it while hating it. On top of wokenes the story was bad and yet I was playing it.
I hope DA; Degeneracy flops but it's a coin toss
BG3 had it's woke injections but I'd argue did it the old school subversive way. They snuck in shit but it wasn't the overriding story. The beatiality scene, for example, can be avoided.
However, you can still make gorgeous normal looking fantasy characters, which always allows even woke stuff to slip through and be relatively successful.
When they throw wokeness all over the place and put ugly characters on the cover art is when it DOAs
You had a lot of wokenes, the women were not good looking, there was just one decent looking with no boobs and every party member was a degenerate except for the good looking one. Diversity to make London jealous and in most situations the leader of various groups was a woman. It also beat you over the head with the poor-immigrants and every guy in the part had the hots for me. I also hated how the game pushed that black dude companion on me.
BG3 was very much woke but it didn't make straight white men to be evil or that a woman is great for being a woman and it even had straight relations.