The number “1488” is a common symbol used among hate groups. The “14” is shorthand for the “14 Words,” a stand-in for a white supremacist slogan, while “88” refers to an abbreviation of “Heil Hitler,” since H is the eighth letter of the alphabet.
What are those fourteen words? Curious how they never say. Because they're innocuous...and correct.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
Sure. Their primary concern is that it lends legitimacy to the claim that white people will cease to exist and white children are in danger. I wouldn't agree with that if it were 1978. White people as a racial construct are not going to simply die out, that's not really a thing. However, there is rampant, systemic, anti-white discrimination at this point that endangers white kids and teaches them to hate themselves.
The saying itself is not much of a problem. All the other crazy shit before and after it is, and more specifically, the idea that the best way to protect white people is with socialism; well that's a special case of retard.
Socialism didn't protect Russia, Germany, or Britain. Imagine being fucking retarded enough to think that therefore Socialism would protect white people, when Socialism is actively destroying white people right now.
The people who like to call people NAZI and the people who wish to be NAZI are similar in neither group actually know about NAZIs politically speaking.
Fascism is the practical application of Socialism.
National Socialism is the practical application of Race Communism.
The more the Leftist tries to make his ideals work, the more he becomes a Fascist or a National Socialist. This is because if he tries to hold to his raw principles (like Bolshevism or Anarcho-Communism) the either dies or immediately kills the guy standing next to him. His ideology is so blood-thirsty and psychotic that it can only work when he off-loads his blood-thirsty psychosis to the state to manage for him. Hence, why it is practical.
Fascism is the practical application of Socialism.
I'm not a fascist myself (actually a bit of a lolbertarian, insert laughter here), but that's a massive oversimplification. You people love to say fascism is socialism is leftism, to try to discredit people you call Nazis. Ironically, a leftist tactic itself. Your argument is literally the leftist argument of calling anyone a Nazi, but you just extrapolate to then say that all Nazis are leftists, because that's a more damaging attack to the targets you use it on.
I could go into detail how fascism isn't (always) socialism or leftism, but that isn't really the point. I started to, but then deleted it. Point is, your argument amounts to calling people you disagree with leftists, while passing through Nazism first, as mentioned above. It doesn't really matter if fascism is socialism or not; it's a disingenuous attack, unless used against people who explicitly wear the Nazi label. And even then, you have to back it up a bit, or you're just calling people leftists, just like the left calls everyone Nazis.
Being pro-white does not mean you're a Nazi, and being Nazi does not mean you're a leftist.
Being pro-white, as a white person, is good. That has nothing to do with Nazism, socialism, or leftism.
I'm white. I like white people. More importantly, I stand by the right to say that, from a freedom perspective. I'm not a Nazi. I'm not a socialist. I'm not a leftist. I am pro-white, though.
What are those fourteen words? Curious how they never say. Because they're innocuous...and correct.
Sure. Their primary concern is that it lends legitimacy to the claim that white people will cease to exist and white children are in danger. I wouldn't agree with that if it were 1978. White people as a racial construct are not going to simply die out, that's not really a thing. However, there is rampant, systemic, anti-white discrimination at this point that endangers white kids and teaches them to hate themselves.
The saying itself is not much of a problem. All the other crazy shit before and after it is, and more specifically, the idea that the best way to protect white people is with socialism; well that's a special case of retard.
Socialism didn't protect Russia, Germany, or Britain. Imagine being fucking retarded enough to think that therefore Socialism would protect white people, when Socialism is actively destroying white people right now.
The people who like to call people NAZI and the people who wish to be NAZI are similar in neither group actually know about NAZIs politically speaking.
Fascism is the practical application of Socialism.
National Socialism is the practical application of Race Communism.
The more the Leftist tries to make his ideals work, the more he becomes a Fascist or a National Socialist. This is because if he tries to hold to his raw principles (like Bolshevism or Anarcho-Communism) the either dies or immediately kills the guy standing next to him. His ideology is so blood-thirsty and psychotic that it can only work when he off-loads his blood-thirsty psychosis to the state to manage for him. Hence, why it is practical.
I'm not a fascist myself (actually a bit of a lolbertarian, insert laughter here), but that's a massive oversimplification. You people love to say fascism is socialism is leftism, to try to discredit people you call Nazis. Ironically, a leftist tactic itself. Your argument is literally the leftist argument of calling anyone a Nazi, but you just extrapolate to then say that all Nazis are leftists, because that's a more damaging attack to the targets you use it on.
I could go into detail how fascism isn't (always) socialism or leftism, but that isn't really the point. I started to, but then deleted it. Point is, your argument amounts to calling people you disagree with leftists, while passing through Nazism first, as mentioned above. It doesn't really matter if fascism is socialism or not; it's a disingenuous attack, unless used against people who explicitly wear the Nazi label. And even then, you have to back it up a bit, or you're just calling people leftists, just like the left calls everyone Nazis.
Being pro-white does not mean you're a Nazi, and being Nazi does not mean you're a leftist.
Being pro-white, as a white person, is good. That has nothing to do with Nazism, socialism, or leftism.
I'm white. I like white people. More importantly, I stand by the right to say that, from a freedom perspective. I'm not a Nazi. I'm not a socialist. I'm not a leftist. I am pro-white, though.