There are three reasons why pro-life is such an unpopular position, even in red states, that most people are too polite to say out loud, but which make a helluva lot more sense than the explicitly stated reasons for being pro-abortion.
Most people are absolutely terrified of the prospect of not being able to abort a cripple or retard baby. Throughout most of history, outright infanticide was often used to dispense with such profoundly burdensome people. And tbf, people can barely afford to raise a normal child in our dysfunctional economy, nvm a child who will never really "grow up," will always be as tedious to attend to as a toddler in terms of having to protect them from themselves, to say nothing of the medical costs.
The nigger population would explode. No matter how much groid worship Baizuo engage in, no matter how much public self-effacing bullshit and BLM signs they put up, etc, even shitlibs are absolutely terrified of this happening. Hell, functional blacks are terrified of this as well.
Only a complete degenerate would have an abortion of convenience, rather than of necessity. So why in the world do you want trash like that to reproduce, and to raise kids? They're only gonna resent and often abuse any kids they're forced to have, because kids to these people = no more fun.
You don't have to like it, or agree with it, but this is the subtext behind why pro-life is such an uphill battle electorally. Moreover, even if it is killing babies, most people don't actually have a principled stance against infanticide - sure, it's unpleasant, nobody wants to see it, but history and even third world countries today attest to the fact that a principled opposition to infanticide is a luxury belief.
Even a principled opposition to homicide is a luxury belief, as there are plenty of contexts where we're willing to kill people, even civilians. It's just that you can't have a functioning society where people are allowed to kill each other, whereas you can have a functioning society where people are allowed to kill their babies.
So much for "muh just god". You god is punishing people who had nothing to do with it. Hurting people them and driving them to suicide because he was too lazy to kill the jews, too lazy to answer prayers, too lazy to keep the blacks on the east side of the Atlantic.
Why worship such a piece of shit? Because he's more powerful than you? Joe Biden is more powerful than you, go worship him. Because he "created" you? Your parents created you, why don't you worship them?
Fuck your god. Christians are the single biggest cause of the problems of the world. Their love of betrayal and stabbing their tribemates anytime they start to actually solve problems has prevented more solutions than any other cause. If i believed in a god, I would have to slaughter all of his followers because he is an utter piece of shit, and that is the only way to hurt him. Lucky for you I no longer believe.
Incorrect. Collective actions necessitate collective punishment. That is every bit as just as might be expected.
Also obligatory "settle down, Beavis."
You want it that way? Fine. Slaughter every Christian because they are collectively preventing a stable society by protecting niggers, jews, and spics. They are stopping the destruction of whites enemies, so they must be destroyed.
Traitors before enemies.
Teeeeelllll me why!
Maximum edgy atheist tween rant.
"How can a just god allow suffering" is not a gotcha. It is childish misunderstanding of God's will.
A parent doesn't exist to shield their children from all danger forever. Part of raising a child is allowing them to make mistakes and be hurt. A life with no pain or suffering is a life in a prison - a half life. Someone who never experiences suffering will never be able to grow from it - the bad times are a necessary part of the growth of individuals and societies, and even the species as a whole.
I shouldn't expect adult understanding from a socialist, but maybe you'll actually be able to process this basic lesson one day when you grow up.
The childlike understanding of God is so ridiculous. You can't understand joy without suffering. We couldn't have free will without suffering
God's will is not answering prayers. Ask me how I know. He loves giving people crippling diseases as a child, enslaving them to the Medical Industrial Complex. He enjoys utterly crushing children's hopes and dreams. Taking everything they could be and everything they hope to accomplish and compacting it into a tiny ball of oblivion. He does it for the Lulz.
Fuck your god.
I like how quickly it took to devolve into the shit tier atheist rant wherein if God doesn't behave like a genie then clearly He doesn't exist.
Fortunately, no one has to care about christfags like you. You aren't permitted to kill your enemies. Or are you more willing to kill whites than blacks?
What did you pray to God about? And what did he not answer? I feel like many of my prayers went unheard
I prayed for the usual: for health, for the doctors to be wrong, for a cure, for a family, for a job. None of those happened. Instead God sentenced me to a life enslaved to the doctors, and a very early death. He made sure that I was not permitted to do any of the backup plans that most people have like being a trucker or a working near heavy machinery. He made sure that I never had the endurance to even work a normal shift. That is what I get for being devoted before the disease. His preacher (my scoutmaster) mocked me saying I would never make Eagle scout (I did in spite of god, doctors, and his preachers all standing in my way). He has made sure that my family will never continue past this generation. He is malicious, so I will never worship him again.
Found the retard
You're confusing man with God. God didn't put us here to have butt sex and import slaves and shit. Man always uses God as an excuse to do what we want and justify it.
You are disillusioned by and from judeo-christianity. That's good. It's a false religion of man.