I recently saw an anime called Astra Lost in Space.
In the dub, the character Ulgar is voiced by a relative newcomer named Christopher Dontrell Piper, and if you couldn't tell from his middle name that he's black, you could sure tell in his performance, as his blaccent (what a weird word) kept bleeding through into his performance. They really didn't have any other takes to use? His acting itself was fine...
Then again, that show's dub was pretty cursed to begin with. The character Luca is revealed halfway through to have been born intersex, and he's voiced by trans actor Ciaran Strange.
And the main character is voiced by the once-great Josh Grelle...just before he announced his transition and changed his name to Jessie James Grelle.
It's not just black people, either--ever heard Liam Neeson in Ponyo?
Neeson is a wonderful actor, but MAN did he phone it in for that movie. He sounded borderline BORED.
This is why you get people who actually give a shit about voiceover, and who can act with JUST their voices, not people who only know how to act in front of a camera.
It's a very different set of skills. I know--I used to do it myself.
I recently saw an anime called Astra Lost in Space.
In the dub, the character Ulgar is voiced by a relative newcomer named Christopher Dontrell Piper, and if you couldn't tell from his middle name that he's black, you could sure tell in his performance, as his blaccent (what a weird word) kept bleeding through into his performance. They really didn't have any other takes to use? His acting itself was fine...
Then again, that show's dub was pretty cursed to begin with. The character Luca is revealed halfway through to have been born intersex, and he's voiced by trans actor Ciaran Strange.
And the main character is voiced by the once-great Josh Grelle...just before he announced his transition and changed his name to Jessie James Grelle.
Never watch dubs if you can avoid it. They always add blacks
One of my favorite dub actors, Bill Butts, is black.
But he can hide the accent. Piper can't--not yet, at least.
Imagine watching anime without subtitles...what a horrid way to live.
I'm watching anime not words
I watch anime on 2x speed and still have time to read the subtitles leisurely, then slowly drag my eyes across the entire scene taking place.
Yeah. That was so disappointing to learn. He's one of the best there is...and he fell victim to the woke mind virus.
So the first Issei is a child porno collector, and the second Issei is a tranny.
Oh God, Scott Freeman. What a disappointment to learn about that guy.
Most ironic name ever, at least.
Also, just to nitpick, he was convicted of possession of CP, not actually...yeah.
Rightly convicted, imprisoned, and blackballed, at least. Should've been worse.
Had that same issue with the dub for Monoke, with Jada Pinket Smith playing some character and it was REALLY fucking jarring.
It's not just black people, either--ever heard Liam Neeson in Ponyo?
Neeson is a wonderful actor, but MAN did he phone it in for that movie. He sounded borderline BORED.
This is why you get people who actually give a shit about voiceover, and who can act with JUST their voices, not people who only know how to act in front of a camera.
It's a very different set of skills. I know--I used to do it myself.