She's the first person to be arrested for posting the incorrect name of the Southport suspect. This arrest will set a very dangerous precedent.
With immediate effect, posting anything that is not by an authoritative, licensed source - and therefore is not considered true by the state - is a violation of false communications legislation.
Is there such a thing as a licensed journalist in the UK? In America everyone citizen has a right to press, namely anyone can be a journalist. Do the English have a similar right
Generally, you need a licence to legally publish media content in the UK.
User generated content online has changed that paradigm and the Government now wishes to revert it because otherwise anyone can become a journalist, photographer or opinion columnist.
Non-X link:
She's the first person to be arrested for posting the incorrect name of the Southport suspect. This arrest will set a very dangerous precedent.
With immediate effect, posting anything that is not by an authoritative, licensed source - and therefore is not considered true by the state - is a violation of false communications legislation.
Just pick anyone
Lavrentiy Beria loved that
Is there such a thing as a licensed journalist in the UK? In America everyone citizen has a right to press, namely anyone can be a journalist. Do the English have a similar right
Generally, you need a licence to legally publish media content in the UK.
User generated content online has changed that paradigm and the Government now wishes to revert it because otherwise anyone can become a journalist, photographer or opinion columnist.
Man that "yo got'o loisence" meme is pretty accurate.
Stereotypes exist for a reason.