Probably a mentally ill woman who realized she is no longer a young girl with her whole life ahead of her and got triggered hard.
What word should we use now that we can't say m*ddle-aged without triggering people? Postwall? Old? Age-challenged? /jk Lol. In before you can't call 10 year olds kids since it makes 55 year old women feel old.
50 is the middle of 100. Most folks don't make triple digits. Therefore 50 is past middle age statistically speaking.
50 is officially the start of "old" as far as I am concerned. It's when you even average members of society start being way less productive.
I always understood middle aged as the 40s. Just because its about the average of the middle and its when "midlife crisis" hits both genders.
You have to consider that those people dying at 93 were born 93 years ago, though. You'd have to look at what the life expectancy is for someone born 50 years ago. Which I don't know. I don't think it's 100 though.