83 Jack Black Cancels Tenacious D Tour, Says He Was “Blindsided” By Partner’s Trump Assassination Comment (archive.is) posted 215 days ago by Jack 215 days ago by Jack +83 / -0 79 comments share 79 comments share save hide report block hide replies
No there aren't. Those lawyers didn't give a shit about the Sandy Hook victim families or the law.
Their only job was to shut Alex Jones up.
When the dust settles I genuinely hope we can all agree to make Alex Jones an American Folk Hero
It's inevitable. He's already a folk singing hero.
That's been a favorite of mine.
From the comments:
Yes, we know, lawyers are spawns of the devil.
Hey that's fucking harsh - the devil is not that bad
The families that all happened to be from one tribe and all happened to be actors you mean
Those lawyers are literally fbi hatchet men. They don't care