Dr Disrespect was an idiot messaging a minor using Twitch whispers (which you SHOULD be over 18 to use)
He WAS investigated, no criminality or illegal activities were found and 3 years later when Twitch banned him for this (might have been relating to a rule change caused by old media) they got sued and paid a settlement to Dr Disrespect
Twitch's child safety net is shit
What is unconfirmed:
Ex Twitch employees who hated Dr Disrespect MIGHT have honey trapped him with a FAKE minor and ILLEGALLY recorded his messages, these messages were the ones used in the investigation that found him innocent other than being an idiot. If this is all true then these ex employees and Twitch are REALLY fucked legally and extremely vulnerable to another lawsuit
Dr Disrespect was an idiot messaging a minor using Twitch whispers (which you SHOULD be over 18 to use)
It kind of sounds like the status of the chat partner is unconfirmed.
I would think that twitch, having reported Disrespect, would have proof of the account holder being underage despite getting herself access to messaging.
But seeing as the investigators found Disrespect clean, it could mean multiple things. Two major potential implications are that the account owner was legitimately of legal age or it was reasonable for Disrespect to believe that.
With that said, I think Dr. Disrespect might not currently know the true identity or age of the account owner, but still understands that it may have been a minor since that was the pretense of the investigation.
His original big message he posted right after this blew up had him using the word "minor" in it. Which he then edited out within a few minutes, likely on re-read.
Which means he either confirms it was a minor and he knew it (possibly after it all blew up, so not really guilty), so he edited it to look better, or the unlikely version he worked himself into their shoot and subconsciously he come to believe their version of events.
At this point, I'd wager he knows it was one. The question I think still remains on the "did he know before or after shit got wild?" Which if he didn't know until later, he is still a fucking retard because you always card girls online.
Why would he feel the need to card a girl on a service that supposedly carded her on entrance? Sure, he should have, but you don't assume girls at bars that check IDs are underage right?
I do in fact always keep in mind that girls at bars could be underaged. Because children lie, and teens can be pretty good at it. Heck spend a few days on Tinder or Bumble and see how many girls say "My actual age is X, I can't change it" on their profile, which is because they were on the app in high school looking for oldermen. I don't know the legality of how "on the hook" a website or business is when kids say "I'm over 18" or present a fake ID, but that's not my point.
For both your own safety, you always card a girl who looks under 25-30 in real life and online entirely before you get to anything concrete or overtly sexual. For the same reason you don't trust "Gun Free Zone" signs to mean you are safe from getting shot. Always look out for yourself, never trust "The System's Safeguards" to work. I feel like people are rushing to absolve him of any blame and are becoming unreasonable in doing so.
Not to say he has the lion's share of blame for if she was a minor, because as you said she should have been carded by someone else, but he is still a fool from a personal safety and moral standpoint for not doing so anyway.
So what was confirmed:
Dr Disrespect was an idiot messaging a minor using Twitch whispers (which you SHOULD be over 18 to use)
He WAS investigated, no criminality or illegal activities were found and 3 years later when Twitch banned him for this (might have been relating to a rule change caused by old media) they got sued and paid a settlement to Dr Disrespect
Twitch's child safety net is shit
What is unconfirmed:
Ex Twitch employees who hated Dr Disrespect MIGHT have honey trapped him with a FAKE minor and ILLEGALLY recorded his messages, these messages were the ones used in the investigation that found him innocent other than being an idiot. If this is all true then these ex employees and Twitch are REALLY fucked legally and extremely vulnerable to another lawsuit
It's the clusterfuck that never ends!
It kind of sounds like the status of the chat partner is unconfirmed.
I would think that twitch, having reported Disrespect, would have proof of the account holder being underage despite getting herself access to messaging.
But seeing as the investigators found Disrespect clean, it could mean multiple things. Two major potential implications are that the account owner was legitimately of legal age or it was reasonable for Disrespect to believe that.
With that said, I think Dr. Disrespect might not currently know the true identity or age of the account owner, but still understands that it may have been a minor since that was the pretense of the investigation.
His original big message he posted right after this blew up had him using the word "minor" in it. Which he then edited out within a few minutes, likely on re-read.
Which means he either confirms it was a minor and he knew it (possibly after it all blew up, so not really guilty), so he edited it to look better, or the unlikely version he worked himself into their shoot and subconsciously he come to believe their version of events.
At this point, I'd wager he knows it was one. The question I think still remains on the "did he know before or after shit got wild?" Which if he didn't know until later, he is still a fucking retard because you always card girls online.
Why would he feel the need to card a girl on a service that supposedly carded her on entrance? Sure, he should have, but you don't assume girls at bars that check IDs are underage right?
I do in fact always keep in mind that girls at bars could be underaged. Because children lie, and teens can be pretty good at it. Heck spend a few days on Tinder or Bumble and see how many girls say "My actual age is X, I can't change it" on their profile, which is because they were on the app in high school looking for oldermen. I don't know the legality of how "on the hook" a website or business is when kids say "I'm over 18" or present a fake ID, but that's not my point.
For both your own safety, you always card a girl who looks under 25-30 in real life and online entirely before you get to anything concrete or overtly sexual. For the same reason you don't trust "Gun Free Zone" signs to mean you are safe from getting shot. Always look out for yourself, never trust "The System's Safeguards" to work. I feel like people are rushing to absolve him of any blame and are becoming unreasonable in doing so.
Not to say he has the lion's share of blame for if she was a minor, because as you said she should have been carded by someone else, but he is still a fool from a personal safety and moral standpoint for not doing so anyway.