76 Wokes are actually mad about conservatives not getting angry with the new Zelda game (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 236 days ago by btbw 236 days ago by btbw +78 / -2 71 comments download share 71 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
IDK what your saying, we clearly play as Zelda, the games named after him just like Mario.
Kinda like in the Metroid series where you play as Metroid, the space bounty hunter.
Yeah, but metroid turned out to be a chick if you beat the game quickly enough.
Oh man, as if the autists here didn't have a hard enough time already. 🙃
And Halo. Who can forget all the fun adventures Mr. Halo has gone on over the years.
You name a guy Dragon Quest he is of course going to go on a quest for a dragon.
Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything.
John Halo is the best!