I say try because maybe one woman in a thousand is fit to serve.
Just lower standards.
Also, I always find it ridiculous how I, as a very antiwar person, still want us to be better at war. We could be winning these wars I don't think we should be fighting...easily. And it would probably have a lower deathcount, even. It's just insane. We do war in the worst possible way, for all involved. Except the defense contractors, rebuilding companies, lobbyists, and the like, of course.
Please, if we're going to do war, can we at least do it competently? We're capable of it, the powers that be just choose not to do it that way. It's a fucking joke.
If you haven't already, go read General Butler's War Is a Racket and Marine!, the General Puller biography. Our incompetence in warfighting is a direct result of corporate influence, and has been for a century. If we had super capable and competent militaries, we could get away with smaller militaries. Look at what the Marines were from 1940-1990 compared to the Army, and imagine if that concept were carried over to every service branch.
The fact that military men are often prohibited from maintaining their own damn equipment because of obscenely cronyist contracts genuinely shocked me the first time I heard about it. How the fuck are you supposed to fight a war if you have to wait for a licensed contractor technician to be sent over every time you need something fixed?
That's obviously a decision to prevent armies going rogue. If a division is self sufficient than that general can easily coup the government. No doubt that's how it was sold at first anyway.
A robust civilization that is winning wars, doesn't have to try and conscript females.
I say try because maybe one woman in a thousand is fit to serve.
Just lower standards.
Also, I always find it ridiculous how I, as a very antiwar person, still want us to be better at war. We could be winning these wars I don't think we should be fighting...easily. And it would probably have a lower deathcount, even. It's just insane. We do war in the worst possible way, for all involved. Except the defense contractors, rebuilding companies, lobbyists, and the like, of course.
Please, if we're going to do war, can we at least do it competently? We're capable of it, the powers that be just choose not to do it that way. It's a fucking joke.
If you haven't already, go read General Butler's War Is a Racket and Marine!, the General Puller biography. Our incompetence in warfighting is a direct result of corporate influence, and has been for a century. If we had super capable and competent militaries, we could get away with smaller militaries. Look at what the Marines were from 1940-1990 compared to the Army, and imagine if that concept were carried over to every service branch.
The fact that military men are often prohibited from maintaining their own damn equipment because of obscenely cronyist contracts genuinely shocked me the first time I heard about it. How the fuck are you supposed to fight a war if you have to wait for a licensed contractor technician to be sent over every time you need something fixed?
That's obviously a decision to prevent armies going rogue. If a division is self sufficient than that general can easily coup the government. No doubt that's how it was sold at first anyway.