posted ago by FrozeInFear ago by FrozeInFear +17 / -0

List is here: https://archive.ph/fF4ct or https://web.archive.org/web/20240611152445/https://happy-city-index.com/ (data tables might not fully display properly)
Note: this is not a "are you happy here" survey, but rather calculations using factors that "research says" make city folk happier.
A few highlights:
Top 3 overall are 1. Aarhus, Denmark 2. Zurich, Switzerland and 3. Berlin, Germany.
Top 3 from America are 18. Minneapolis, MN 38. Boston, MA and 57. Baltimore, MD.
Tops from some Commonwealth countries (I know some of you are out there, frens): 7. Bristol, GBR 21. Brisbane, AUS 25. Cork, IRL 37. Ottawa, CAN.

Obviously, you'll want to know what criteria they used in their assessment.
https://archive.ph/Sclj3 or https://web.archive.org/web/20240516041602/https://happy-city-index.com/HCI/happycityindex.html
Their explanation has a bunch of word salad, but they do give a somewhat concise listing of their intended dimensions towards the end. 24 "areas" sorted into 5 seemingly weighted categories. Each factor is very easily quantifiable and definitely all contribute to a functional and comfortable living environment.
[Please pardon the formatting]

  1. educational system CITIZENS
  2. social inclusion of residents CITIZENS
  3. Gross Domestic Product and Productivity ECONOMY
  4. involvement of residents in decision-making processes GOVERNANCE
  5. transparency in operation and openness of data GOVERNANCE
  6. accessibility of public e-services GOVERNANCE
  7. management of natural resources, including renewable energy sources ENVIRONMENT
  8. innovation and creativity of residents CITIZENS
  9. conscious strategies GOVERNANCE
  10. use of information and communication technologies in transport MOBILITY
  11. innovation and creativity of enterprises ECONOMY
  12. anti-pollution ENVIRONMENT
  13. waste, wastewater management and recycling ENVIRONMENT
  14. accessibility and efficiency of public transport MOBILITY
  15. availability of green areas ENVIRONMENT
  16. access to culture, including libraries CITIZENS
  17. entrepreneurship ECONOMY
  18. safety of the transport system MOBILITY
  19. labour market flexibility and unemployment ECONOMY
  20. ICT [information and communication technology] area as a sphere of activity and its availability in enterprises ECONOMY
  21. protection of biodiversity ENVIRONMENT
  22. openness of transport data MOBILITY
  23. availability of multimodal transport MOBILITY
  24. internationalisation of enterprises ECONOMY