posted ago by AnimeAnon ago by AnimeAnon +63 / -0

Much of the surge in trolling (along with the activation of accounts not seen in a while like Haterjuiced) just happens to coincide with it now only being 6 months to election season. A perfect length of time for contract work to occur.

Those who've been around the internet block know how increases in shilling and trolling always happens the closer it gets to American elections but I thought I'd just point it out to those who either forgot or didn't notice.

One of the known tactics of modern shilling is to make places less interesting and more unappealing by trolling so that regular users will try to avoid using the place. Look into COINTELPRO tactics if you don't believe me.

They've been a known force on imageboards for a while, at least since the GG days, plus it's obvious to see their effects on reddit during past elections.

(And honestly that makes inaction by the moderation on these faggots all the more damning, but I digress)

TL;DR its likely not organic trolling.