Back when I was a kid, we didn't take sides in the Civil War. Those were all Americans. And far enough removed from any of us, except maybe in family stories, that we had a certain distance from the conflict. Some people today act like they're in it.
Yankee faggots like to bitch about the South getting welfare money, even though it goes to poor niggers who they pretend to want to give welfare. If you say: Stop giving our niggers money, they won't like it.
Back when I was a kid, we didn't take sides in the Civil War. Those were all Americans. And far enough removed from any of us, except maybe in family stories, that we had a certain distance from the conflict. Some people today act like they're in it.
Yankee faggots like to simultaneously lord over their conquest of the South and bitch about how the South is a drain on the nation.
Yankee faggots like to bitch about the South getting welfare money, even though it goes to poor niggers who they pretend to want to give welfare. If you say: Stop giving our niggers money, they won't like it.
Certain parts of it are, but not exactly the parts they’d ever admit. Just as certain parts of the North are, to which they’ll never admit.
Vast, nigger-filled areas?