Black women abort at higher rates than white women. Do white woman abort mixed race babies at a higher rate than white babies, we will likely never know, for a few obvious reasons.
Almost all the ones I knew growing up had 5+ kids and still had more abortions than probably every white neighborhood combined. A baby is literally free money for them, so they want a constant stream of them to keep those checks coming. Most of the abortions were done through retardation more than willful decision making.
Statistics are meaningless without context and knowledge.
You sure? Aren't black babies aborted more than white ones statistically and also kind of the reason planned parenthood exists..
Black women abort at higher rates than white women. Do white woman abort mixed race babies at a higher rate than white babies, we will likely never know, for a few obvious reasons.
Do you know how often black women get knocked up?
Almost all the ones I knew growing up had 5+ kids and still had more abortions than probably every white neighborhood combined. A baby is literally free money for them, so they want a constant stream of them to keep those checks coming. Most of the abortions were done through retardation more than willful decision making.
Statistics are meaningless without context and knowledge.
This is an old statistic, but 70% of black people at some point were raised by single mothers