42 Saw a clip of some new movie called Nemona. The title character looks almost EXACTLY like the center one in the meme here. Same build, similar hair. Acts like it too. (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 302 days ago by BetterNameUnfound 302 days ago by BetterNameUnfound +42 / -0 26 comments download share 26 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Jack was one of my favorite characters in the Mass Effect trilogy. Shame they didn't make more games...
I'm gonna sound like a basic gamer saying this but as playing only as male Shep:
Favourite romance: Tali, too sweet not to plus you could tell she had curves in her suit
Favourite bro: Garrus, he was the one guy throughout it all that always had your back and knew what to say at the right time.
"There is no Shepard without Vakarian."
And I'll agree with you on Tali. She stands with you through and through the whole way. And she's thicc. Best girl.
She was my first heartache video game crush, and I've never recovered.