Evergreen State College, ground zero of the DIE infestation.
A report from the college suggested protests may adversely affect Evergreen's enrollment, which has been declining over the last decade.[42] In the immediate aftermath enrollments fell, with the November 2018 head count dropping to 3,327 students, down from 3,881 students in 2017. The college's chief enrollment officer cited "questions about our reputation" as making efforts to attract students "more difficult"[9] and the drop forced the college to cut its budget by 10% and increase student fees.[42] Enrollment has since plummeted 41%, to 2,281 students in fall of 2020[4] and was expected to top at around 2,000 in 2021.[10] In February 2022, the chief enrollment officer reported that total enrollment had fallen to 1,952 students.[43]
Which anyone with a 4th grade social studies education circa 1995 could tell you is massively fucked up and runs contra to everything this nation was founded on.
Evergreen State College, ground zero of the DIE infestation.
1,940.5 is half of 2017's 3,881 students so they have lost 50% enrollment 5 years. Nice.
DIE will never end so long as Blackrock and Vanguard continue with ESG and our government feeds it to them with our tax dollars.
Which anyone with a 4th grade social studies education circa 1995 could tell you is massively fucked up and runs contra to everything this nation was founded on.
They want you stupid and complacent.
Win - Win as far as I'm concerned for private colleges. Defunding and shutdown for state colleges.
These people aren't going to fight a war. DEI would die on its own without money being pumped into it.