A lot of “erectile dysfunction” is just older dudes losing attraction for their aging wives. You’re apparently “weak” if you can’t get it up for a 50 year old woman who didn’t even try to keep it tight. How many such “weak” men would magically get rock hard again for a hot 20-something girl? Is masculine strength now defined as your ability to get it up for ugliness?
In the past, powerful older men sired dozens of children via a series of increasingly younger women. This still happens today, but now there’s a premium that must be paid in the form of divorce costs. Your average upper middle class man can usually afford to have a second family with a younger woman after divorcing his first wife. A very rich and/or powerful man can pull this shtick until he dies.
Neither of these systems is ideal. Socially enforced assortive mating with very limited divorce is how you get stable families, happy men, happy wives, and good children. But the men need to be assertive and productive, the women need to be supportive and feminine, and the children need to be disciplined.
No matter how much people deny it, you lose attraction to someone you’ve been with for a long time, doubly so if you live with a person and are exposed to all the unglamorous intimacies that entails. Pushing past that and embracing the emotional/spiritual/romantic part of a relationship is part of resisting your base animal nature, but it’s clear that part of that base animal nature as a male is desiring new fresh pussy all the time.
Most women become wrinkly/saggy once they hit 40+. Some women -- who take care of themselves, might still be attractive up until 45, but after that it's a rapid decline from there. There are some absolutely rare exceptions of women who are 50+ who are still somewhat attractive for their age, but again, those are extremely rare exceptions not the rule.
So all those hens clucking on social media about not being able to find good men after they hit 35+, and especially once they hit 45+, is just men "noping" out for younger women. It's mostly older men in longer relationships with older women suffering from erectile dysfunction:
The media has convinced men that they should stay attracted to their aging, wrinkly wife, which is an off-putting image to most men, sexually. But since we live behind the social facade of pretending reality doesn't exist, a lot of men go along with it, even though research shows older men would absolutely prefer to shag younger women:
I wonder how much society would change if men would just be honest, buck up and tell their aging, wrinkly, unattractive old wife that she's not hot anymore and he can't please her sexually because he's not sexually attracted to her anymore?
Maybe the men should tell their wives that they don't feel like having sex right now (as in ever), and if the women have a problem with that, then tough shit, they have to respect that or else it's rape, assault, and sexual harrassment.
A lot of “erectile dysfunction” is just older dudes losing attraction for their aging wives. You’re apparently “weak” if you can’t get it up for a 50 year old woman who didn’t even try to keep it tight. How many such “weak” men would magically get rock hard again for a hot 20-something girl? Is masculine strength now defined as your ability to get it up for ugliness?
In the past, powerful older men sired dozens of children via a series of increasingly younger women. This still happens today, but now there’s a premium that must be paid in the form of divorce costs. Your average upper middle class man can usually afford to have a second family with a younger woman after divorcing his first wife. A very rich and/or powerful man can pull this shtick until he dies.
Neither of these systems is ideal. Socially enforced assortive mating with very limited divorce is how you get stable families, happy men, happy wives, and good children. But the men need to be assertive and productive, the women need to be supportive and feminine, and the children need to be disciplined.
No matter how much people deny it, you lose attraction to someone you’ve been with for a long time, doubly so if you live with a person and are exposed to all the unglamorous intimacies that entails. Pushing past that and embracing the emotional/spiritual/romantic part of a relationship is part of resisting your base animal nature, but it’s clear that part of that base animal nature as a male is desiring new fresh pussy all the time.
Yup, this.
Most women become wrinkly/saggy once they hit 40+. Some women -- who take care of themselves, might still be attractive up until 45, but after that it's a rapid decline from there. There are some absolutely rare exceptions of women who are 50+ who are still somewhat attractive for their age, but again, those are extremely rare exceptions not the rule.
So all those hens clucking on social media about not being able to find good men after they hit 35+, and especially once they hit 45+, is just men "noping" out for younger women. It's mostly older men in longer relationships with older women suffering from erectile dysfunction: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3901875/
The media has convinced men that they should stay attracted to their aging, wrinkly wife, which is an off-putting image to most men, sexually. But since we live behind the social facade of pretending reality doesn't exist, a lot of men go along with it, even though research shows older men would absolutely prefer to shag younger women: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28127998/
I wonder how much society would change if men would just be honest, buck up and tell their aging, wrinkly, unattractive old wife that she's not hot anymore and he can't please her sexually because he's not sexually attracted to her anymore?
Maybe the men should tell their wives that they don't feel like having sex right now (as in ever), and if the women have a problem with that, then tough shit, they have to respect that or else it's rape, assault, and sexual harrassment.
Elon is the only modern rich man living the dream