Most men with erectile dysfunction could probably get it up for the average cute young woman. The pozzed healthcare industrial complex has pathologized men’s natural ability to discern beauty. Your disinterest in banging fat old feminist shrews is actually a medical failure on your part, and there’s a drug you can take to fix it. You are coerced, by emasculation, into participating in this humiliating ritual.
They actually complain a lot about dry vagina if you know where to look. it's big business enabling old women to have comfortable sex as it is for old men who can't get it up.
We saw it back in February. Look at what happened when Don Lemon said Nikki Haley was past her prime.
Most men with erectile dysfunction could probably get it up for the average cute young woman. The pozzed healthcare industrial complex has pathologized men’s natural ability to discern beauty. Your disinterest in banging fat old feminist shrews is actually a medical failure on your part, and there’s a drug you can take to fix it. You are coerced, by emasculation, into participating in this humiliating ritual.
Fuck right off this thing is not even borderline woman. She looks lik Ving Rhames.
They actually complain a lot about dry vagina if you know where to look. it's big business enabling old women to have comfortable sex as it is for old men who can't get it up.
This is what the ugly girls tell themselfves while they pray!
I'm not sure I follow.
Strength is highly prized and respected amongst the Uruk-hai.
"Looks like meat's not on the menu, ladies!"