How it started: "The centuries old smear that gay men are pedophiles is getting new life thanks to coordination between far right news sites and far right message boards. This egregious defamation is part of a strategy to target LGBTQ people with violence." ~Josh Kruger tweet from July 13, 2018
How's it going: On October 2, Philadelphia 'journalist' and activist Josh Kruger was shot 7 times at his home by Robert Davis who the former was "trying to help". Robert Davis's family alleges that Josh began a sexual relationship with drugs involved since the killer was 15. His family also alleges that Josh threatened Robert to post sexually explicit videos of him online. Source:
The thing that never happens somehow keeps happening.
I read that as "far left pedophile" read it again, then realised I was correct the first time.
I'd like to start a drug fueled relationship with a 15 year old girl at 39, but I doubt anyone would ever call it that. Funny how language works.
The definition of "doth protest too much"
I was close. Didn't see the blackmailing victim nonsense, though. Seems like a weird flex.
This is speculation.
Gay man is gay. If he is gay, then that is fine because he is gay.
Young black man is "not" gay. He wants and may have sex with women but he is in a drug fueled, blackmail backed relationship with the gay man, and that gay man is willing to go the distance to keep that sweet, sweet bussy which he has spent literal years cultivating.
So less of a flex, and more of a "how very fucking dare you!? I OWN you and will expose you in a culture that does not tolerate men being gay" sort of deal.
it's almost like that "smear" didn't appear out of thin air.
Stereotypes exist for a reason.