I think it's a female thing. It seems like the subjects of Hollywood/Streaming woke BS are often useless rich people. Who cares? What is the point of telling the stories of the idle rich but to invoke avarice in the viewer?
I watch a rich guy if he does extreme sports. Builds something cool. Even starts a cool company. But IDGAF about his home life.
You know those guys who know all the lore about their favorite fantasy setting? They consume all the books, tv shows and other content to know as much about the lore of their favorite setting as possible? That is women and rich people. To women, rich people is the ultimate fantasy. This is why traditionally women haven't been into sci-fi/fantasy as much as men because a woman's ultimate fantasy is real life but being rich. Men prefer escapism from real-life because men generally hate real-life even if they were rich.
Well that's what I was thinking about as the GF watches some Jewish bullshit.
I actually like real life, and I think if I didn't have to work I would get out a lot more. But who knows. I obviously like to spend time at my computer.
Just be really careful about this. I'm not sure your age and your understanding of things but when I was younger, I didn't see any of the "jewish bullshit" as much of a problem besides me just not having an interest in it and thinking it was dumb.
A woman who consumes this jewish bullshit will eventually get thoughts and ideas in her head that will disrupt your relationship. The more of it she consumes, the more likely your relationship will fail. Even if you think your gf is different (she isn't) than most girls and she understands it's not real and wouldn't let that stuff impact her because she says as much to you (they all say the same thing), it is impacting her. Like a person who says they aren't impacted by advertising and then they go out and buy the product that was just advertised to them.
Appreciated. We both moderate consumption of jewish bullshit, but I avoid it more.
Oh god. There is no way to prevent a relationship failing, there is no Jewish propaganda to make women leave, women's biology dictates it due to evolutionary selection.
Do the Amish have the same divorce stats as the non-Amish. The culture does matter for controlling women's behavior. You're not wrong about women's nature being problematic but don't pretend as if the culture also has no influence on women's behavior, because it does.
There can be more than one factor at play, but I'll agree that the primary one is their biology in this case. The fact that we removed all other mechanisms that used to keep people together just means the leaving happens a hell of a lot more frequently now and we're seeing the societal consequences as our civilization burns.
To a man being wealthy mean more responsibility. To a woman it means less responsibility.
It's typical female envy and narcissism. They don't realize Kirche, Küche, Kinder was for their own good, and without that they just seek out endless ways to make themselves miserable.