Something which was extremely apparent with AGDQ/SGDQ, to the point that the events are essentially unwatchable with all the trans and gay shit inserted in them.
They're also still collecting money to donate to organisations like Doctors Without Borders, which have been proven to have trafficked people illegally between Africa and Europe.
We must save the autists. For our own sanity as much as for their health.
The autist > trans pipeline is a travesty for all involved.
Something which was extremely apparent with AGDQ/SGDQ, to the point that the events are essentially unwatchable with all the trans and gay shit inserted in them.
They're also still collecting money to donate to organisations like Doctors Without Borders, which have been proven to have trafficked people illegally between Africa and Europe.
I like the idea of Doctors Without Borders. the actual implementation? Not so much.
Some Canadian Frankenstein doctor was bragging that he basically ''transitioned'' a whole class of male special ed autists.