This isn't a gotcha thing I'm doing, I was watching this AI vs artist Arch was doing where he did one before with black April O'Neil and he's done another with dark skin Velma this time. Some flaws here and there but a massive improvement over the HBO show, at one point, he puts out the idea with what I like to refer to as 'milfy Velma' was having it that she was detached from the group, is a reporter herself and events brings her back with her old friends, so like the show just, not shit.
One of the immediate things that detached me from even trying to watch it was how ugly the self insert Velma was yet if this AI made hotter Velma was in it, I might at least give it an episode.
But a key part of this is that watching shows is passive, you're not interacting so for games it depends for me. Does it fit the setting as if it's a game about giant mechs then it isn't really a factor. If there's character customisation beyond just selecting outfits, then it becomes a big factor as if I want to create a really hot character, the game itself shouldn't limit me. Same as if there's 'romance' choices and all of them are fugly.
I've gotten to the point where having attractive guys but ugly women in a game is a massive red flag for me as then it means this is a self insert game and there's likely to be a lot of ideology in the narrative too. So just want to hear your guys takes if having attractive female characters even affects the shows and games you play/watch.
Repulsive women is an indicator that the content is pushing the gay commie agenda.
My dealbreaker is on-screen faggotry. Verbally implied faggotry can be acceptable, particularly if it is done to be funny and not seriously, men interacting "romantically" on-screen is viscerally disgusting.
I'm hoping the AI gets good enough and ubiquitous enough that it can do stuff like automatic frame-by-frame model and animation replacement and eventually the ability to do so in a photo-realistic manner.
That way there will be "mods" for all media to fix the mistakes of the creators, not just for games.
Just men being fags or does that include Lesbians too as I don't mind being called a hypocrite in saying I don't want to see guys kissing but two hot women kissing sure as this is my thought process..
Even women enjoy watching two hot women make out, but nobody wants to watch two dudes going at it.
just men, women making out isn't repulsive, but if it is excessive you know that is agenda pushing
it is how they laundered in faggotry in the 90s where nearly every nerdy show had to have a chick relationship
The way it strikes me is that it's a signal statement that says, "NO we are not interested in entertaining you by creating a competent narrative that includes suspension of disbelief, we will poison any escapism or fantastic idealism you try to derive, and we refuse to build a world where you have problems that don't reflect the writer's real-world pet peeves and opinions about what you deserve."
It's a transparant attempt at subverting the sense of wanting to connect with the character you're playing, and a pathetic attempt at instilling a set of lowered expectations for yourself.