Federal Court Declares Trump a Flight Risk in Secret Subpoena Decision
The disclosure of a subpoena of Twitter by Special Counsel Jack Smith was surprising in a number of respects, including the hefty $350,000 fine imposed by U.S. District Court Beryl Howell (left) fo…
And, as the article pointed out, he's under constant security and surveillance. Basically, if he were able to flee, they couldn't really stop him regardless, as he's already about as secure as possible, and if he can't flee, being declared a flight risk won't change anything either.
Also, they fail to take one thing into account: Trump's massive fucking ego. Even if his loyalty is, uh, somewhat lacking at times, his monumental ego will keep him here and fighting. I rather doubt he'd run. Even though, honestly, it wouldn't be the worst idea.
If I were in his position, it would certainly cross my mind. Some of the most powerful people and groups in the world want to crucify him. Running to some tropical island with no extradition treaty, and relying on bureaucratic red tape to buy enough time against US pressure to let you live out the rest of your life there has certain appeal. Although he's also smart enough to realize they could just kill him more easily there. There's no running for someone as high profile as Trump, much less someone hated by the type of people Trump is.
He'd probably "kill himself" within a year, if he tried to run.
That did not helped MegaUpload founder/sysadmin, the USA violated many international laws and treaty and extracted his ass with special forces.
(It's ok when the US does it apparently, must be nice having your laws being enforced extra territorially)
In the world of international espionage and black military budgets, might makes right.
Until you don't have the might anymore.
Except we do, and will, for the foreseeable future.
No country is likely to accept him that he'd want to go to. Also being a top candidate for President seems like adequate reason not to flee.