I'm sitting on my last $20k of debt, all of which is due to losing my scholarships via college Dear Colleagues bullshit. If that went away tomorrow, I take my next month's debt payment and buy the biggest LET'S GO BRANDON flag and a 40' pole to fly it on.
On a straight fiscal argument, I am against debt forgiveness. On the other hand, Brian Niemeier, one of my favorite NewPub authors, makes the argument from Catholic morality that these loans are usury targeted at young adults via fraudulent statements. Plus, debt jubilees would reduce the power of the megabanks.
Plus, debt jubilees would reduce the power of the megabanks.
Said megabanks wouldn't hand out loans to every dipshit out of high school if they weren't federally guaranteed by the government. They're getting paid regardless, whether it's monthly checks, garnished wages, or the money printer.
That said, the government benefits nicely from this racket, indoctrinating an army of brainwashed midwits and keeping them on the plantation with the carrot of loan forgiveness.
If we're talking about loans for undergrad the government makes most of those directly now. There are still private loans. I don't know if the government guarantees them, but I believe you cannot discharge the debt in bankruptcy so it's still protected by them.
Loans for secondary trade school like law, medicine or business are still often private, however those grads generally make money...
Brian Neimeier has one of the best arguments for debt forgiveness, and one of the best arguments that normie right wingers really worship Mammon. It took me 7 years to pay off my loans and I never wound up in the field for my degree. I have no debt now, but no house or family of my own either. I understand the idea of the debt jubilee, and the right has got to come to grips with universities being a waste of time for the majority of people.
The only things I got out of college were debt, a few network connections, and the realization that I no longer really wanted to be out in the wider world.
I'm sitting on my last $20k of debt, all of which is due to losing my scholarships via college Dear Colleagues bullshit. If that went away tomorrow, I take my next month's debt payment and buy the biggest LET'S GO BRANDON flag and a 40' pole to fly it on.
On a straight fiscal argument, I am against debt forgiveness. On the other hand, Brian Niemeier, one of my favorite NewPub authors, makes the argument from Catholic morality that these loans are usury targeted at young adults via fraudulent statements. Plus, debt jubilees would reduce the power of the megabanks.
Said megabanks wouldn't hand out loans to every dipshit out of high school if they weren't federally guaranteed by the government. They're getting paid regardless, whether it's monthly checks, garnished wages, or the money printer.
That said, the government benefits nicely from this racket, indoctrinating an army of brainwashed midwits and keeping them on the plantation with the carrot of loan forgiveness.
If we're talking about loans for undergrad the government makes most of those directly now. There are still private loans. I don't know if the government guarantees them, but I believe you cannot discharge the debt in bankruptcy so it's still protected by them.
Loans for secondary trade school like law, medicine or business are still often private, however those grads generally make money...
Brian Neimeier has one of the best arguments for debt forgiveness, and one of the best arguments that normie right wingers really worship Mammon. It took me 7 years to pay off my loans and I never wound up in the field for my degree. I have no debt now, but no house or family of my own either. I understand the idea of the debt jubilee, and the right has got to come to grips with universities being a waste of time for the majority of people.
The only things I got out of college were debt, a few network connections, and the realization that I no longer really wanted to be out in the wider world.