This is probably the best policy, if it's a referendum that's completely transparent on what should be done on mass migration, they'll kick them out and it hurts the globalists with interests there since the population clearly told them to shove their agenda.
I hope the based Polski bros prove me wrong but I'm worried this is a trap. Democracy is a sham after all. Just look at Brexit. The people may vote the way we want on "mass immigration" and end up getting something not called "mass immigration" but in reality is anyway.
It's too late for a lot of other countries. The UK for example is already more than 20% nonwhite, and another 30% of the British population would vote to continue mass migration anyway. Even worse here in Canada. And that's if the powers that be didn't just cheat.
polish government is already inviting the third world in en masse (over 200 thousand migrants from muslim countries last year) and then has the gall to pretend they're anti-immigrant
This is probably the best policy, if it's a referendum that's completely transparent on what should be done on mass migration, they'll kick them out and it hurts the globalists with interests there since the population clearly told them to shove their agenda.
I hope the based Polski bros prove me wrong but I'm worried this is a trap. Democracy is a sham after all. Just look at Brexit. The people may vote the way we want on "mass immigration" and end up getting something not called "mass immigration" but in reality is anyway.
Isn’t Poland 99% white? Its nice of their politicians to ask BEFORE they invite the third world in…
A great precedent for other countries.
It's too late for a lot of other countries. The UK for example is already more than 20% nonwhite, and another 30% of the British population would vote to continue mass migration anyway. Even worse here in Canada. And that's if the powers that be didn't just cheat.
polish government is already inviting the third world in en masse (over 200 thousand migrants from muslim countries last year) and then has the gall to pretend they're anti-immigrant
They won't as they learned their lesson after the EU referendum
Even after YEARS of propaganda, educational indoctrination and attempts at subversion, the UK still voted to leave.
Think they'd try that with migration? The people would vote for that even if was to return all migrants by airdrop.
They wouldn't be shocked. They don't do this everywhere because they know what the results would be.