I've been thinking about this. Why is even just tanning considered "blackface" now?
I've concluded that it's yet another example of bn jealousy.
While it's true Whites can't handle the sun, that only applies for a short period of time. One of the perfections of Whiteness is that our skin naturally darkens as needed. In some people they can get really dark, I knew a guy who lived on Guam and was damn near full Mestizo-looking by the end of summer.
bns are stuck the filthy shade of mud, shit, and filth for their entire lives. They can 'tan' but they only get even uglier. Whites can go from pure angelic skin tone to sultry Mediterranean seductress.
Complaining about Whites 'having darker skin' is asinine. It's literally in our genetic mix to do so. That's naturally our color.
The bn can't handle this, knowing they'll always have filthy features no matter what they do, so they try to keep Whites 'out' by gatekeeping even our own genetic perfection.
I've been thinking about this. Why is even just tanning considered "blackface" now?
I've concluded that it's yet another example of bn jealousy.
While it's true Whites can't handle the sun, that only applies for a short period of time. One of the perfections of Whiteness is that our skin naturally darkens as needed. In some people they can get really dark, I knew a guy who lived on Guam and was damn near full Mestizo-looking by the end of summer.
bns are stuck the filthy shade of mud, shit, and filth for their entire lives. They can 'tan' but they only get even uglier. Whites can go from pure angelic skin tone to sultry Mediterranean seductress.
Complaining about Whites 'having darker skin' is asinine. It's literally in our genetic mix to do so. That's naturally our color.
The bn can't handle this, knowing they'll always have filthy features no matter what they do, so they try to keep Whites 'out' by gatekeeping even our own genetic perfection.
im romanian, and this summer if i have a shirt on i look like a racemixed gypsy
without one my chest is pale enough for vampire jokes