What new facts or information are being shared here that couldn't be shared in a much more efficient and effective way by simply stating them? Virtually everyone knows about these books because the left won't shut the fuck up about them, and if someone somehow doesn't know about them, this is a terrible way to introduce them to the topic.
If someone is capable of being moral, simply learning that there are books with gay porn, masturbation, and instructions on how to join a hookup app in schools will suffice to immediately inspire them to hate leftism. However, they may require proof for such a frankly extraordinary claim. Some guy wearing a beanie saying "trust me bro" is not proof. Screenshots are proof. Scans are proof. Show them the facts. Let them decide for themselves. That's what worked for me.
I personally credit zero percent of my current political awareness to internet cat fights, and I'd bet that almost everyone else would do the same if they really thought about it.
I think what he is saying is that not everyone is you. Or us. There is an endless series of young people that 'come of age' mentally every single day, and THOSE people WILL learn from this sort of exhibition. We want them to learn the correct thing, and Tim does a decent job presenting this to people who are not already adults with an understanding of what is happening.
Virtually everyone knows about these books because the left won't shut the fuck up about them
No, I'd say the majority of America either still doesn't know about the existence of these books or thinks they're a myth. Media saturation takes a really long time.
What new facts or information are being shared here that couldn't be shared in a much more efficient and effective way by simply stating them? Virtually everyone knows about these books because the left won't shut the fuck up about them, and if someone somehow doesn't know about them, this is a terrible way to introduce them to the topic.
If someone is capable of being moral, simply learning that there are books with gay porn, masturbation, and instructions on how to join a hookup app in schools will suffice to immediately inspire them to hate leftism. However, they may require proof for such a frankly extraordinary claim. Some guy wearing a beanie saying "trust me bro" is not proof. Screenshots are proof. Scans are proof. Show them the facts. Let them decide for themselves. That's what worked for me.
I personally credit zero percent of my current political awareness to internet cat fights, and I'd bet that almost everyone else would do the same if they really thought about it.
I think what he is saying is that not everyone is you. Or us. There is an endless series of young people that 'come of age' mentally every single day, and THOSE people WILL learn from this sort of exhibition. We want them to learn the correct thing, and Tim does a decent job presenting this to people who are not already adults with an understanding of what is happening.
No, I'd say the majority of America either still doesn't know about the existence of these books or thinks they're a myth. Media saturation takes a really long time.