Also the increased risks of diseases and STDs because the ass isn't made to be penetrated and anal sex always causes micro lesions, which makes the penis directly touch their partner's mix of blood with fecal matter.
Didn't work for DARE to stop a lot of kids from doing drugs. They just end up assuming you are overblowing it to scare them, because children will find any reason to not trust you to do what they want.
Until you tell them that sodomy might hurt their ability to not shit their pants. Nothing sexy about that.
Also the increased risks of diseases and STDs because the ass isn't made to be penetrated and anal sex always causes micro lesions, which makes the penis directly touch their partner's mix of blood with fecal matter.
Didn't work for DARE to stop a lot of kids from doing drugs. They just end up assuming you are overblowing it to scare them, because children will find any reason to not trust you to do what they want.