posted ago by Lurker404 ago by Lurker404 +34 / -0

In the German state of North Rhine Westphalia (sometimes called the German caliphate due to its large Muslim population) 500 Muslims attacked each other. Smaller fights throughout the week with 50-80 people led to this latest escalation.

https://www-bild-de.translate.goog/news/inland/news-inland/polizei-sichert-innenstadt-von-essen-clan-krieg-im-revier-eskaliert-weiter-84363058.bild.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp&_x_tr_hist=true (autro-translated article)

Meanwhile in Austria: Islamists planned an attack on a pride parade in Vienna:
