Neckbeard white kid had his hoodie up indoors though, that automatically gives him a badass buff. Too bad he got fucking rektd, I hope he got some pussy after that, but I doubt it.
I didn't expect the black kids that jumped in trying to pacify that feral animal in the middle of his chimp out though.
What kind of cringe deranged cuck shit is this? He should have beat the cunt unconscious to teach her a lesson, black or white, it doesn't matter, these women allow themselves too much nowadays.
It's absolutely insane to me that people here seem to either be cucked unable to put their difference aside and agree with you when you're 100% right just because you're Imp.
You'll give away yourself very easily by managing to find an impossible female angle in something that has literally no connections to a woman.
It is however apparent that there is a huge bias present against you on this forum, I mean myself only I've called you a retard among many other names, how many times? Countless, right? And I'm sure deep down inside a few times at least you knew you deserve it, but I am still capable of putting that aside when you are in the right and say that you're right. I fail to understand why other people cannot do the same, at least I'd rather believe they're just biased against you instead of disagreeing with you here, it's better than to imagine that there's 11 cucks here who think a woman hitting a man doesn't deserve a physical disciplinary measure.
Neckbeard white kid had his hoodie up indoors though, that automatically gives him a badass buff. Too bad he got fucking rektd, I hope he got some pussy after that, but I doubt it.
I didn't expect the black kids that jumped in trying to pacify that feral animal in the middle of his chimp out though.
What kind of cringe deranged cuck shit is this? He should have beat the cunt unconscious to teach her a lesson, black or white, it doesn't matter, these women allow themselves too much nowadays.
Why are you making this a race thing when she clearly, audibly, hit him first.
Also, the fucking simp who jumped up and got put on the floor...not sure whether to laugh or feel bad for someone that brainwashed.
I am raising the flag toward Imp's side for this one
I agree.
It's absolutely insane to me that people here seem to either be cucked unable to put their difference aside and agree with you when you're 100% right just because you're Imp.
I should create a new account, do a little social experiment.
You'll give away yourself very easily by managing to find an impossible female angle in something that has literally no connections to a woman.
It is however apparent that there is a huge bias present against you on this forum, I mean myself only I've called you a retard among many other names, how many times? Countless, right? And I'm sure deep down inside a few times at least you knew you deserve it, but I am still capable of putting that aside when you are in the right and say that you're right. I fail to understand why other people cannot do the same, at least I'd rather believe they're just biased against you instead of disagreeing with you here, it's better than to imagine that there's 11 cucks here who think a woman hitting a man doesn't deserve a physical disciplinary measure.
You mean the white chick that got slapped after slapping a man first