"It doesn't affect you personally but if you don't use preferred pronouns or bake the fag cake or let us trans your children we will FUCKING DESTROY YOU!" I hate liberals with the heat of a million suns.
We’re not even halfway through the month of June and I have already seen 10k anti LGBTQ+ tweets. The fact that Elon isn’t doing anything about this shows how much of a BIGOT he is.
I will be leaving Twitter tonight.
People (leftoids and people on the right) need to understand that when people parrot the line "slippery slope is a fallacy," what that means is it is an informal fallacy because just saying "because it's a slippery slope" isn't a coherent argument that actually demonstrates that A leads to Z.
Leftoids parrot it as if to say that this means that long chains of cause and effect cannot exist (because leftoids are retarded). But then unfortunately you have people on the right who instinctively know that A leads to Z in this case, and many other cases. So their knee jerk reaction is to be like "slippery slope isn't a fallacy, you're a retard" and continuing to just say "because it's a slippery slope" as if it's a coherent argument on its own.
I get that it can be difficult to spell it out when it comes to things like this. You either can see it or you can't. If you can't see it yourself, there's a good chance you won't be able to see it even if someone explains it.
All that rambling to express my irritation at the quotation remarks around the word fallacy in this meme. That being said, it's still an effective meme because normies don't understand any of the above autism either.
"It doesn't affect you personally but if you don't use preferred pronouns or bake the fag cake or let us trans your children we will FUCKING DESTROY YOU!" I hate liberals with the heat of a million suns.
The only remotely sensible thing ever said by anarcho-Communists was that 'liberals get the bullet too' line.
It wasn’t only the flags - did you see the topless show at the whitehouse?
(from 50 secs)
Weimerica intensifies
Someone found a tweet from that person that was pretty much identical, posted last month.
kek indeed.
People (leftoids and people on the right) need to understand that when people parrot the line "slippery slope is a fallacy," what that means is it is an informal fallacy because just saying "because it's a slippery slope" isn't a coherent argument that actually demonstrates that A leads to Z.
Leftoids parrot it as if to say that this means that long chains of cause and effect cannot exist (because leftoids are retarded). But then unfortunately you have people on the right who instinctively know that A leads to Z in this case, and many other cases. So their knee jerk reaction is to be like "slippery slope isn't a fallacy, you're a retard" and continuing to just say "because it's a slippery slope" as if it's a coherent argument on its own.
I get that it can be difficult to spell it out when it comes to things like this. You either can see it or you can't. If you can't see it yourself, there's a good chance you won't be able to see it even if someone explains it.
All that rambling to express my irritation at the quotation remarks around the word fallacy in this meme. That being said, it's still an effective meme because normies don't understand any of the above autism either.