I'd vote for that, certainly; all-day video recordings in every classroom, camera completely protected and tamper-proof, recordings monitored and stored by third-party companies with oversight from at least two political parties and destruction or modification of said recordings resulting in civil and criminal prosecution.
We would need streaming cameras installed in all the classrooms. But I agree with him that banning the classroom is preferable.
I'd vote for that, certainly; all-day video recordings in every classroom, camera completely protected and tamper-proof, recordings monitored and stored by third-party companies with oversight from at least two political parties and destruction or modification of said recordings resulting in civil and criminal prosecution.
Except we all know they would be used to punish little Jimmy for that "transphobic" joke he wrote in the margin of his notebook and showed his friend.
Exactly. Before you expand power, remember who's wielding it.
that's how all this shit even came to light.
parents were at home during the pandemic, finally tuning into what teachers were pushing, asking WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK IS THAT?