My answer is obvious, but I'll leave it here to start with.
We need to reduce the representation of women in education massively. The majority of women seeking these roles have malicious intent, and are actively harming young boys.
We know they don't mark boys fairly, but that's just the peak of the insidious feminist plot.
They've clearly been destroying the self-worth of boys in the schools to groom a new generation of woman worshipping simps.
Even if the feed is locked up offline just the threat of evidence and accountability will still fix a lot of the problems.
Girls won't even accuse their male teacher if they know the video will just be pulled up and they'll be proven a liar.
Feminist teachers will be afraid of teaching anything besides the curriculum knowing any kid can complain and have the teacher's bigotry used against them.
I wouldn't bet on that one.
Especially as a female employee could make the footage disappear.
Nah, I mean, there's enough women dumb and entitled enough that they think that a man should be punished even when there's video footage proving that he didn't do anything wrong just because a dumb cunt said so.
No evidence, accusation dismissed.