30 The fate of Arch Linux users (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 1 year ago by FutaCumDiet 1 year ago by FutaCumDiet +31 / -1 16 comments download share 16 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I'm out of the loop on this one. I know the left one is the LTT guy who's so fat he can't keep his eyelids open on video.
He trooned out.
Luke Smith on the right.
This is too good not to share
That Star of Davis has 8 points.
I swear realdrjester is on here checking every post and link to down vote anything that points a finger at the tribe.
Luke Smith
Oh no! If the "good path" is becoming a tranny I wonder what awaits me down the "bad path".
Using i3WM
Actually true, horseshoe theory and all that
Dude looks like a OSRS bot.