And women shouldn't be CEOs, or drafted. You still haven't made a good argument for how it makes any sense, and are just going off that you want to kill women. You genocidal moron.
Also, female draft is a fucking meme. It's hilarious because it's so stupid. The whole point is to twist progressives into knots, not actually draft women.
Furthermore, your reasoning doesn't even make sense. You'll never reach as many women drafted and killed in war as men, because men will still fight, and be drafted if not. And if you only draft women, and forbid men from run out of countries before you run out of women, or reach your magic number.
What do you think is the correct value for all the male lives wasted because these cowards don't want to fight?
Not mass murder?
Again, women shouldn't generally be fighting. They're not built for it, physically or psychologically. They're biologically trained to overvalue their own lives, and they're physically weaker. Some women could for the sake of argument be soldiers, but a whole force of them? You're not a functioning military, not even close.
If you want to talk about what women owe men - which I think is a stupid way of phrasing it anyway - I'd argue it's the complete opposite of trying to force women to be men...we already have a lot of that. You'll call me a "tradcuck" - I'm not - but basically women should probably fuck off back to the kitchens, if you want to put it that way.
Also, you're jumping all over the place; you said they deserved it because there are female CEOs, now you're back to the men's lives lost in war. Which is it? And do you honestly think either warrants the wholesale slaughter of women...? And this would then lead to men still having to step up and defend their countries/communities, but this time the carnage would probably be right in their own backyard, after the female military was swiftly overrun by opposing forces.
I just don't see how drafting women does anything constructive...and I don't think you even want it to either. You just want women to die, at the hands of the State. Now matter what I think about women, that's fucking barbaric, and I fully disavow. Vengeance is - generally - a bad fucking basis for policy.
I'm not a simp.
And women shouldn't be CEOs, or drafted. You still haven't made a good argument for how it makes any sense, and are just going off that you want to kill women. You genocidal moron.
Also, female draft is a fucking meme. It's hilarious because it's so stupid. The whole point is to twist progressives into knots, not actually draft women.
Furthermore, your reasoning doesn't even make sense. You'll never reach as many women drafted and killed in war as men, because men will still fight, and be drafted if not. And if you only draft women, and forbid men from run out of countries before you run out of women, or reach your magic number.
But they're already CEOs. You can't undo what's been done, we deserve reparations.
Again with this sperging.
By mass death?
What do you think is the correct value for all the male lives wasted because these cowards don't want to fight?
Not mass murder?
Again, women shouldn't generally be fighting. They're not built for it, physically or psychologically. They're biologically trained to overvalue their own lives, and they're physically weaker. Some women could for the sake of argument be soldiers, but a whole force of them? You're not a functioning military, not even close.
If you want to talk about what women owe men - which I think is a stupid way of phrasing it anyway - I'd argue it's the complete opposite of trying to force women to be men...we already have a lot of that. You'll call me a "tradcuck" - I'm not - but basically women should probably fuck off back to the kitchens, if you want to put it that way.
Also, you're jumping all over the place; you said they deserved it because there are female CEOs, now you're back to the men's lives lost in war. Which is it? And do you honestly think either warrants the wholesale slaughter of women...? And this would then lead to men still having to step up and defend their countries/communities, but this time the carnage would probably be right in their own backyard, after the female military was swiftly overrun by opposing forces.
I just don't see how drafting women does anything constructive...and I don't think you even want it to either. You just want women to die, at the hands of the State. Now matter what I think about women, that's fucking barbaric, and I fully disavow. Vengeance is - generally - a bad fucking basis for policy.
So what should we do? Because you know damn well "reparations" isn't going to happen.
Choke out the financial support they're getting.