Biggs noted that while early puberty suppression for boys who experience childhood-onset gender dysphoria has the advantage of creating a more feminine appearance in adulthood, the major disadvantage is the penis remains that of small boy making vaginoplasty much riskier.
Half of America supports this shit.....
No they don't, half of America supports "do you think trans people should be allowed to live as the gender they identify as?"
They "support" a heavily manipulated question designed to rig polls to what the pollsters want.
If they asked an honest question, they'd get a much different answer.
Typical of you to give this "women don't support this because they want to castrate little boys, they've just been tricked!" lie.
You are on a spate of accusing people of things that are easily disproved so using this phrase means nothing anymore when coming from you.
Do you have any evidence of that?