Defending your property from criminals is brave. Defending a global corporation's property from criminals is foolish. Letting globalists reap the whirlwind isn't "weak".
If you want to go Frank Castle on the next pack of niggers you see coming out of the local Walgreens then more power to you, just don’t be surprised when you end up dead or in prison for virtually no benefit.
Defending your property from criminals is brave. Defending a global corporation's property from criminals is foolish. Letting globalists reap the whirlwind isn't "weak".
Not stopping criminals from committing crime is hard cowardice. The more you turn your head to any incident the more you’ll keep turning.
If you want to go Frank Castle on the next pack of niggers you see coming out of the local Walgreens then more power to you, just don’t be surprised when you end up dead or in prison for virtually no benefit.