Sometimes I visit those forums to purity test my whitepill status and feel better about myself reading how bad life can really be and yes, black and mixed race incels revile both Tyrone and all white people above 4/10. Black incels tend to be bullied hard and are unequivocally the most abused in my perusings. Their culture simply despises them, my guess is because they are antithetical to the image of blackness.
Sometimes I visit those forums to purity test my whitepill status and feel better about myself reading how bad life can really be and yes, black and mixed race incels revile both Tyrone and all white people above 4/10. Black incels tend to be bullied hard and are unequivocally the most abused in my perusings. Their culture simply despises them, my guess is because they are antithetical to the image of blackness.
Black women hate black male/white female pairings even more than the 1488 crowd.
That's because nobody wants to be with black women.
The Chad fishing thread is gold. The rest of the content, not so much.