As responsible journalists, acting in the public interest
I literally laughed out loud. German state run TV has no other interest in mind than its own far-left ideology. They're corrupt liars and propagandists that would make Goebbels blush.
They way they've worded their accusations "questions" tells you all you need to know about the work of these leftist neo-fascists.
For clarification, both the WDR and are from Germany, with the former being a state-run TV station and the latter originating from Passau, Bavaria.
Anyone who seriously buys into the concept of "mis/dis/malinformation," whether or not he wants the state to manage information with this as a pretext, is to be neither trusted nor taken seriously.
Granting it legitimacy is a grave error.
Though we may be stupid as a whole, we are not children and it is not the state's role to tell us what is true and what isn't.
I literally laughed out loud. German state run TV has no other interest in mind than its own far-left ideology. They're corrupt liars and propagandists that would make Goebbels blush.
They way they've worded their
accusations"questions" tells you all you need to know about the work of these leftist neo-fascists.That part is literally systemic in the german state media, they call this "framing" (in the english term) - they even wrote manuals about it.
For clarification, both the WDR and are from Germany, with the former being a state-run TV station and the latter originating from Passau, Bavaria.
“We do hope you will take this opportunity to let us twist, smear, misrepresent, fabricate, bullshit, and otherwise manipulate your every statement.”
How about go fuck yourselves 🖕
Another reminder - the STASI were never punished and were given jobs in the current German government …
Yup - one of the ex-STASI being ex-chancellor Angela "IM Erika" Merkel
Anetta Kahane intensifies
Anyone who seriously buys into the concept of "mis/dis/malinformation," whether or not he wants the state to manage information with this as a pretext, is to be neither trusted nor taken seriously.
Granting it legitimacy is a grave error.
Though we may be stupid as a whole, we are not children and it is not the state's role to tell us what is true and what isn't.