Good. Eventually people are going to realize tradcuck solutions aren't effective. You want more children. Force women back into the household, make whoring illegal, force women to lose weight, force women to cook for men, segregate women from men in education, train women to be homemakers and wives not business people and politicians. Ban women from politics. Implement a duty for the woman to provide sex to the man in a marriage. Make it illegal to hire a woman for a job if an equally qualified man or better also applied to the same job. Make it legal to hit women who disobey their husbands.
Sounds extreme... For now anyway. Eventually, when civilization starts crumbling, my ideas are going to sound reasonable and good compared to what else is going on. There's a reason everything I suggested used to be the case and it wasn't because we were primitive brutes. Our ancestors were wisor than we are now.
The way you get a culture that would accommodate it "naturally" is your force it no different than the slow subversion of our "culture" through the academic system, media, etc... It has been done many times in history to great success.
You round up all politicians, business leaders and academics or otherwise prominent/influential people who disagree, kill them, then churn out propaganda for generations until eventually you get the "culture" you desire. You can come up with whatever excuse you want to kill the people too. You write the history.
Your re-writing of history fails to take into account that in each case the blowback of violent authoritarianism is a revival and resurgence of Leftist authoritarianism immediately once the current regime fails. But again, you wouldn't understand that.
Besides, why not just start with you? You're a Leftist degenerate with violent tendencies that can't be trusted in society. You'll end up attacking our friends, family, and loved ones simply because your an insecure, egomaniacal, psychopath who's projecting his personal failures onto everyone else. You're a wannabe school shooter. Why should you even be granted the right to declare your innocence when we can write whatever we want when your gone anyway?
You are one dumb motherfucker: somehow you even manage to shit up a thread about Hungary with your low-IQ libertarian, anti-authoritarian drivel. I'd rather live under Orban or practically any 'authoritarian' over Gary Johnson, that Jorgensen woman or any other low-IQ libertarian any day. The likes of Rothbard are putrid scum of the Earth, and, were they as competent as Marxists at acquiring authority, just as dangerous as them. Thankfully libertarians and anarchists are absolutely inept at acquiring authority: the only thing that prevents them from being as dangerous.
If the Left is ever removed from power (hypothetically speaking, of course), then you are the next target. The purification of the world requires the removal of all degenerate ideologies: all forms of Leftism—your beloved libertarianism, barely differentiable from anarchism, of course included.
This juvenile, rebellious freedom nonsense is antithetical to high civilization. There will be a totalitarianism that shall realize a society of saints, and it shall be realized from top down, or else, barbarism shall emerge victorious. There is no third option. You morons rebel against Left-wing Orthodoxy now because that is the status quo, but you will also rebel against a society of saints because you are, at heart, too degenerate to be a good fit for it.
You moronic caveman-minded barbarians will be destroyed: either by those further Leftward of you (the most likely scenario), or by my kind far to your Right.
Good. Eventually people are going to realize tradcuck solutions aren't effective. You want more children. Force women back into the household, make whoring illegal, force women to lose weight, force women to cook for men, segregate women from men in education, train women to be homemakers and wives not business people and politicians. Ban women from politics. Implement a duty for the woman to provide sex to the man in a marriage. Make it illegal to hire a woman for a job if an equally qualified man or better also applied to the same job. Make it legal to hit women who disobey their husbands.
Sounds extreme... For now anyway. Eventually, when civilization starts crumbling, my ideas are going to sound reasonable and good compared to what else is going on. There's a reason everything I suggested used to be the case and it wasn't because we were primitive brutes. Our ancestors were wisor than we are now.
You can't force any of those things, you'd actually have to have a culture that would accommodate it naturally.
Unfortunately, you're an authoritarian, so I don't expect you to understand.
The way you get a culture that would accommodate it "naturally" is your force it no different than the slow subversion of our "culture" through the academic system, media, etc... It has been done many times in history to great success.
You round up all politicians, business leaders and academics or otherwise prominent/influential people who disagree, kill them, then churn out propaganda for generations until eventually you get the "culture" you desire. You can come up with whatever excuse you want to kill the people too. You write the history.
Your re-writing of history fails to take into account that in each case the blowback of violent authoritarianism is a revival and resurgence of Leftist authoritarianism immediately once the current regime fails. But again, you wouldn't understand that.
Besides, why not just start with you? You're a Leftist degenerate with violent tendencies that can't be trusted in society. You'll end up attacking our friends, family, and loved ones simply because your an insecure, egomaniacal, psychopath who's projecting his personal failures onto everyone else. You're a wannabe school shooter. Why should you even be granted the right to declare your innocence when we can write whatever we want when your gone anyway?
You are one dumb motherfucker: somehow you even manage to shit up a thread about Hungary with your low-IQ libertarian, anti-authoritarian drivel. I'd rather live under Orban or practically any 'authoritarian' over Gary Johnson, that Jorgensen woman or any other low-IQ libertarian any day. The likes of Rothbard are putrid scum of the Earth, and, were they as competent as Marxists at acquiring authority, just as dangerous as them. Thankfully libertarians and anarchists are absolutely inept at acquiring authority: the only thing that prevents them from being as dangerous.
If the Left is ever removed from power (hypothetically speaking, of course), then you are the next target. The purification of the world requires the removal of all degenerate ideologies: all forms of Leftism—your beloved libertarianism, barely differentiable from anarchism, of course included.
This juvenile, rebellious freedom nonsense is antithetical to high civilization. There will be a totalitarianism that shall realize a society of saints, and it shall be realized from top down, or else, barbarism shall emerge victorious. There is no third option. You morons rebel against Left-wing Orthodoxy now because that is the status quo, but you will also rebel against a society of saints because you are, at heart, too degenerate to be a good fit for it.
You moronic caveman-minded barbarians will be destroyed: either by those further Leftward of you (the most likely scenario), or by my kind far to your Right.