It gets a little more in depth. In the more rural part of the country, guns are a part of the culture. Want something to do? Go to a a spot and shoot targets. Everyone owns guns, deals with guns, and thinks of guns as part of their life. When I want to sound as American as I can, I think about my favorite gun.
The journalists and the like only associate guns with gang members and killers. So, they see a gun and assume someone is about to be shot. It doesn't help that to learn gun safety takes a lot more work and effort than it does in the rural parts.
Europe is just told the gangster part.
BTW, the rural people are told that gang violence is rampant in the cities, so they assume anyone from a city is part of a gang or deals with it all the time.
It gets a little more in depth. In the more rural part of the country, guns are a part of the culture. Want something to do? Go to a a spot and shoot targets. Everyone owns guns, deals with guns, and thinks of guns as part of their life. When I want to sound as American as I can, I think about my favorite gun.
The journalists and the like only associate guns with gang members and killers. So, they see a gun and assume someone is about to be shot. It doesn't help that to learn gun safety takes a lot more work and effort than it does in the rural parts.
Europe is just told the gangster part.
BTW, the rural people are told that gang violence is rampant in the cities, so they assume anyone from a city is part of a gang or deals with it all the time.