Math is a useful way to sort people by IQ. Of course you have to be willing to use that information and not allow schools to pass people who shouldn't be passed. A high school diploma might be worth something again if it required the ability to pass Algebra 2. The real problem is that we're unwilling to fail retards and completely unprepared to offer them employment that doesn't require top 30% IQ.
You could do a lot of good in the world by letting people drop out. Some 16 year olds just need to dig ditches. If they find they like it, great. If not, go get a GED. When it's on your own dime, you're basically guaranteed to be a better student.
At least half the population doesn't need High School, and far less than half of those need college. But people need a lot of heavy indoctrination to ignore the obvious reality in front of their faces and there is money in it.
Yeah, because it used to be only smart people went to college, and, surprise surprise, smart people are more productive than dumb ones.
But the dumb ones really think that a piece of paper and spending time in a building was what created that earnings potential, and an industry eager to grift was all to happy to play into the idea.
Math is a useful way to sort people by IQ. Of course you have to be willing to use that information and not allow schools to pass people who shouldn't be passed. A high school diploma might be worth something again if it required the ability to pass Algebra 2. The real problem is that we're unwilling to fail retards and completely unprepared to offer them employment that doesn't require top 30% IQ.
You could do a lot of good in the world by letting people drop out. Some 16 year olds just need to dig ditches. If they find they like it, great. If not, go get a GED. When it's on your own dime, you're basically guaranteed to be a better student.
At least half the population doesn't need High School, and far less than half of those need college. But people need a lot of heavy indoctrination to ignore the obvious reality in front of their faces and there is money in it.
"bUt PeOpLe WhO gO tO cOlLeGe MaKe MoRe MoNeY"
Yeah, because it used to be only smart people went to college, and, surprise surprise, smart people are more productive than dumb ones.
But the dumb ones really think that a piece of paper and spending time in a building was what created that earnings potential, and an industry eager to grift was all to happy to play into the idea.