Not necessarily independence and revolution. Straight up America is redefined as slavery, since their angle is it didn't really come into being until the first slaves. Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492? Nah, fuck that. It's all about the slaves.
I’m fine with teaching ACTUAL history of slavery in America but this lady is another worthless activist. Also, who doesn’t have at least a basic knowledge of American slavery at this point. The problem is that they make it seem like America and England were the only countries to ever engage in the practice and that it hasn’t been all over the world since the beginning of time. Also interesting that African and Arab involvement get no outrage.
In one of Thomas Sowell’s books he makes the suggestion that slavery should be taught from a global perspective and that would curb a lot of the endless whining we see today
True. At the very least if you are going to endlessly harp on slavery in the west then at least give them the credit they deserve for ending it and in the UK’s case vigorously fighting it in the oceans and different parts of the world.
I’m fine with teaching ACTUAL history of slavery in America
I can promise you we learn more about slavery in history than we do most other important historical elements. My public education for history in the South was probably about 25% slavery/Civil War, 25% WW2, maybe 10% Revolutionary War, then the rest was all pre-America.
The fact that Vietnam is barely talked about and Korea is cut completely is a far bigger problem than what we are doing with slavery. Unless said problem is we are teaching it too much, of which I'd agree.
I agree. I graduated in 99 and we were taught about slavery along with other parts of U.S. history but at least it wasn’t taught in a way to make people feel guilty. I do think whenever they do teach about slavery they should also go into the world history of slavery because US slavery was just an extension of what was already going on and the role African leaders played.
I do agree that too much time is spent dwelling on it. I tell people they are free to read up on it all they want on their own time
Not necessarily independence and revolution. Straight up America is redefined as slavery, since their angle is it didn't really come into being until the first slaves. Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492? Nah, fuck that. It's all about the slaves.
Sort of. What they're really trying to do is erase the Founding Fathers so they can destroy everything they stood for.
I’m fine with teaching ACTUAL history of slavery in America but this lady is another worthless activist. Also, who doesn’t have at least a basic knowledge of American slavery at this point. The problem is that they make it seem like America and England were the only countries to ever engage in the practice and that it hasn’t been all over the world since the beginning of time. Also interesting that African and Arab involvement get no outrage.
In one of Thomas Sowell’s books he makes the suggestion that slavery should be taught from a global perspective and that would curb a lot of the endless whining we see today
The West (back when it had value instead of putting Sodom to shame) was not the first to engage in slavery, but it was the first to abolish slavery.
True. At the very least if you are going to endlessly harp on slavery in the west then at least give them the credit they deserve for ending it and in the UK’s case vigorously fighting it in the oceans and different parts of the world.
I can promise you we learn more about slavery in history than we do most other important historical elements. My public education for history in the South was probably about 25% slavery/Civil War, 25% WW2, maybe 10% Revolutionary War, then the rest was all pre-America.
The fact that Vietnam is barely talked about and Korea is cut completely is a far bigger problem than what we are doing with slavery. Unless said problem is we are teaching it too much, of which I'd agree.
I agree. I graduated in 99 and we were taught about slavery along with other parts of U.S. history but at least it wasn’t taught in a way to make people feel guilty. I do think whenever they do teach about slavery they should also go into the world history of slavery because US slavery was just an extension of what was already going on and the role African leaders played.
I do agree that too much time is spent dwelling on it. I tell people they are free to read up on it all they want on their own time
Basically that is the gist.