Top Australian Doctor Reveals She is Vaccine Injured and Says Doctors Are Being Censored – The Daily Sceptic
Former President of the Australian Medical Association Dr Kerryn Phelps has revealed she suffered a serious vaccine injury and said the true rate is far higher than acknowledged due to threats from medical regulators.
There's no mention of 'blog post' there.
Hah. So you lied when you claimed that I "encouraged" everyone to get the vaccine. Figures for someone who does get his views from blog posts he views online.
OK, so you lied about that as well. Or maybe I'll be charitable and say that you just misremembered. For all your faults, you do sound like a somewhat sincere (if fanatical) fellow.
Yes, some people are right-wing loons. And yes, people who claim that old people died because of the vaccine are insane. This wasn't "pointing out the dangers of the vaccine", which your own post shows that it's not about.
And you're foremost among them. Your lunacy is demonstrated by the fact that you think the vaccine is a net negative for even older people, even ages that have a double-digit death rate from the coronavirus.
And it still is.
You don't need to. I only ask you to provide evidence when it's something that I never said (and do note that you failed to demonstrate any of your claims which you misremembered).
But that was not your claim to begin with, and while I never called anything 'safe' as I think that's stupid, the benefits definitely outweigh the costs for old people.
This is plain common sense, but you lack not just common sense, but any sense whatsoever. Like I said: anti-vaccine loons gonna loon.
Still unanswered by you, despite your ravings.
Not in that particular comment, in that comment you called the medical research...
Not sure how medical research on one of the most respected medical journals is considered a "no-name website".
Link to my comment where I said "everyone".
That literally happened...
It is, since there is no peer reviewed data showing it is a net positive in any capacity.
Where's the longitudinal phase III data that shows that?
So you're trying to move the goalposts?
Not sure why that would be 'one of the most respected medical journals', but I do know that you posted three links.
It is understood. By posting an unqualified claim of "encouragement", you did say everyone.
You would have looked like even more of a clown if you had said, breathlessly, HE SAID 90-YEAR-OLDS SHOULD TAKE THE VACCINE.
Even you understood this. So you spun mightily.
You'll believe literally anything based on an internet video or blog post. Quite amusing. And that calls itself an independent thinker.
If you are proudly stupid, then be honest next time, and cry that "Antonio said that NINETY YEAR OLDS should take the vaccine. THIS IS MURDER AND GENOCIDE!"
That's not how words work.
"it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to talk and remove all doubt"
That is how words work, though I am not at all surprised that a guy who takes his opinions from blog posts and random videos doesn't understand them. Your dishonest statements are comparable to saying that I "encourage people to cut off their hands" if I say that you should cut off your hand if it is gangrenous.
So next time you will be honest, and phrase it in such a way that will show you to be the fool that you are, eh?
You have no defense of your other claims? Figures. Honestly, I did not expect you to collapse just this easily. You came in with a lot of bravado, I thought you would have slightly more to show for it than nothing.